Monday, October 5, 2009

When Does a Tooth Extraction Make Sense? When Would I Consider Tooth Extraction. Ardizzone DDS PS / Federal Way Dental Center 253-839-7270


When Does a Tooth Extraction Make Sense? When Would I Consider Having a Tooth Pulled?

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS
Federal Way Dental Center 

"Quality Care - Clinical Excellence"

The most common explanation for why a patient elects to have a tooth pulled is to be relieved of severe pain, immediately, and with relatively minimal costs when compared to alternative forms of dental treatment. Usually, alternative methods of treatment for providing pain relief to the patient and restoration of the tooth are available. Often these options may require multiple treatment appointments, time off work and perhaps significantly higher treatment costs. All are factors too be considered and often are the primary reasons the patient elects to have a tooth extracted even though it may be treatable.  

Severe pain can be described by patients in a variety of ways -- pain on biting, pain to hot or cold, waking pain during night time sleeping and lingering pain after the onset of a hot or cold stimulus, throbbing pain or pulsing pain shortly after eating; all are descriptions of your dental pain which will assist your dentist in diagnosing the origin and nature of your dental pain.  

Jaw pain may even be referred from other areas of your body and can indicate a more serious systemic health condition. The nature of your dental pain provides valuable information leading to the diagnosis and treatment options you have available to you.  

It is also helpful for you to document when you are experiencing tooth pain and its location. This type of information will help in providing the best description of the symptoms you are having and over what time frame days, week or months and will expedite you examination appointment and discussion regarding the best course of treatment.  

In conclusion, “Severe Dental Pain” has different meanings to each of us and all descriptions are valid. However, your description of the symptoms you are having may aid in an efficient diagnosis, and certainly will provide you and your dentist with the best information for making and informed decision as to the best treatment option for handling your dental emergency before concluding that you tooth should be extracted.  

Today tooth extraction makes sense when finances are a major consideration and the various treatment alternatives are simply cost prohibitive. Many times the tooth prognosis is poor and cannot easily be repaired due to extensive decay, extensive loss of bone around the tooth from periodontal disease and excessive mobility.  

Finally and perhaps the most significant reasons for tooth extractions is when the oral diagnosis for tooth is considered to be detrimental to the patients Oral/Systemic Health. These conditions would include a dental abscess, infected wisdom teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, infected tooth roots, teeth associated with cysts, tumors or other systemic health conditions which would warrant its removal to avoid further health complications.  

Dental Infections are serious and can be life threatening. Patients should be seen as early as possible to avoid more serious complications arising from these types of situations, and early intervention will provide professional management and most likely lead to early pain relief and more favorable treatment result. Ignoring your bodies symptoms most often leads to unfavorable dental and systemic health consequences.  

After a professional dental evaluation, oral diagnosis and consulting with you dentist, it may be that extraction of the tooth is a viable alternative the best alternative for you to avoid undesirable consequences.

Dental ceramics, ceramic veneers,  ceramic inlays & onlays and  full ceramic crowns, ceramic metalceramic bridges and dental implants or implant supported ceramic bridges or denture provide a variety of additional cosmetic solutions.  These cosmetic teatment alternatives to extracting the tooth, which generally involve increase investment by the patient, provide the patient with beautiful alternatives to removing many teeth.  

The variety of restorative treatments technologies provide the cosmetic dentist and dental cosmetics new technologies with exceptional cosmetic results for retaining teeth that where once almost certainly extracted allowing patients more choices and to the alternative of extracting the tooth. 

Dental ceramics provide alternative cosmetic options to Cosmetic Composite fillings. Dental Composite fillings which primarily provide economical  treatment alternatives. Often a tooth may be restored these types of restorations should the patient elect to try to keep their tooth.

Although amalgam fillings may be place in variety of applications in dental offices in the united States, even today, they are generally of limited value in today’s cosmetically conscious dental patient. The dental amalgam is historical referred to as the “gray filling” and unfortunately tend to stain and discolor teeth with time due to their corrosion.   We do not feel the dental amalgam offers any significant benefit for the patient in terms of longevity, strength, or even cost.   The cosmetic value of the dental amalgam poor and not a viable option for cosmetic treatment.  


Joseph C Ardizzone DDS

Federal Way Dental Center
A Federal Way Dental Health Center

Should you have specific questions regarding dental amalgams for treatment or any other questions reqarding information provided in this article please contact our office and our offic staff would be happy to answer any questions you may have or provide you with any additional information and would be happy to arrange a consultation to discuss you dental concerns.

Call Us Today Office Phone 253.839.7270

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS 
Federal Way Dental Center 
30317 16th Ave South 
Federal Way, WA 98003 
Office Phone 253-839-7270  

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS 

A Federal Way Dental Health Center Phone 253-839-7270

If you would like more information regarding this subject, or have information you have, or questions related to this article please call our office and one of our staff would be happy to assist you.  We hope you found this subject to be interesting and informative.


A Federal Way Dental Health Center

                 "Providing Beautiful smiles and Patients To Last A Lifetime"


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Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS Office Phone 253-839-7270

"quality Dental Care - Clinical Excellence"

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Dr Joseph C Ardizzone Practices Comprehensive Dental Health Care, Cosmetic Dentistry and 
Comprehensive Restorative and Implant Dentistry in a Family Dental Practice Setting in Federal Way, Washington, a suberb of beautiful Seattle Washington.

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS Phone 253-839-7270 A Federal Way Dental health Center  
30317 16th Ave South 
Federal Way, WA 98003

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Having A Toothache or Dental Emergency? Need A Dentist? Broken Tooth, Cracked Tooth, Gum Infection, Broken Filling or Lost Crown? Call 253-839-7270

Federal Way Dental Center 
Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS 

Having a dental emergency?
For Immediate Care                                        Call  253.839.7270

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS
Federal Way Dental Center
A Federal Way Dental Health Center

Broken teeth, cracked teeth, fractured teeth, infected teeth, gum infections, jaw pain, traumatic dental injuries, motor vehicle accidents, chipped enamel, broken crowns and broken bridges all seem to happen at the most inconvenient times for our patients.  When you do not have the time in your busy schedule or just can't take off time from work today to come in to have the work done.  The Federal Way Dental Center understands that these urgent dental emergencies are common every occurences to our urgent care facility but you may not know what to do in these situations.  

Our professional and skilled staff makes every effort to work with you and your schedule to provide your the immediate dental health care you require.  Our dental team works closely with your dental insurance and most dental insurance carriers, to coordinate urgent treatment for you with out delay.   Immediate dental assessment and medical dental diagnosis often leads to "early diagnosis" and  immediate dental care when required.  Early dental assessment, leads to early dental treatment by a qualified dental professional intervention.

Although urgent dental care, is often required for acute dental conditions. Immediate dental evaluation may avoid many undesirable dental health consequences, such as more pronounced acute dental pain,  jaw pain or increase swelling of the jaws, inability to chew or eat on fractured teeth or crowns. 

 Many times loose crowns or loose bridges may seem ok on the teeth, just a bit loose, but in fact these situation often may be a recipe for disaster which frequently lead  to fractured roots, cracked teeth, and loss of the dental crown or bridge or even complete loss of the tooth, leading to tooth extraction, tooth removal and complete loss of dental restoration.  Crowns and bridges have also been know so be swallowed by patients when eating. More serious dental conditions of patients walking around with loose crowns and loose bridges have lead to patients aspirating dental restorations into the trachea, bronchus or even lungs. These dental consequences are serious and often avoidable by early intervention, dental diagnosis and emergency dentistry being provided to the patient.

Dr Joseph Ardizzone, is  a comprehensive dentist, a University of Washington School of Dentistry Dentist and a caring dentist serving patients in Federal Way for nearly 20 years, has the knowledge, expertise and dental skills to provide immediate dental treatment  and urgent dental care in these situations should it be required.  We  will help ease you of your of the situations, and assist you in providing you the Urgent dentistry and dental health care you need.

Call   Today  253-839-7270

When You Need a Dentist; Providing Urgent Dental Care & Emergency Dentistry in Federal Way, Des Moines, Auburn, Redondo, Browns Point, Fife, Tacoma and the Greater Seattle Metro Area.

Broken Tooth?
Broken crown?
Auto Accident?  
Traumatic Injury?
Root Canal?
Need A Tooth pulled?
Crime Victim dental injuries we can help? 

Dental Abscess?

Having a dental emergency?
For Immediate Dental Care & Treatment.                                                                                Call  253.839.7270

A Federal Way Dental Health Center
"Quality Care - Clinical Excellence"

Federal Way Dental Center                                                 Office Phone  253.839.7270
Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS                                               
30317 16th Ave S                                                                  
Federal Way,   WA  98003

Call Us For Immediate Assistance.
Phone 253-839-7270

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Cosmetic Teeth Whitening and Dental Bleaching Procedures, A Cost Effective Way to A Bright New Youthful White Smile

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening and Dental Bleaching Procedures

For A Bright White Smile Today

Hope you enjoy our video,

For  Teeth Whitening and Dental Bleaching, just click on the link below and select Cosmetics and then click the whitening Video.  We hope you enjoy.  Today dental whitening and Teeth Bleaching enhance smiles in ways that were once not possible.  Today the possibilities and results are impressive giving patients a full, beautiful natural bright smile.  Let us help you smile again. 

Click Our Webpage Video Link

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If you have any questions about dental bleaching and its applications please give us a call and we would be happy to assist you.

 If you would like to make an appointment for an initial evaluation to determine the possibilities to enhance your smile, 

please call us at 253.839.7270.

We are excited to share with you, how you can have a beautiful bright smile today.

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS
Federal Way Dental Center
A Federal Way Dental Health Center


If you would like more information regarding this subject, or have information you have, or questions related to this article please call our office and one of our staff would be happy to assist you.  We hope you found this subject to be interesting and informative.


A Federal Way Dental Health Center

                 "Providing Beautiful smiles and Patients To Last A Lifetime"



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Dental Composite, A Cosmetic Dental Restorative Material, Provides Beautiful Cosmetic Results for Todays Cosmetic Dentist & Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth Colored Cosmetic Composite Fillings & There Applications

The dental composite filling, is a white tooth colored filling material, utilized for cosmetic dental restorations.  Composite fillings may be used in the situations of a broken tooth or teeth, enamel fractures, cracked teeth, chipped teeth, space closures, and teeth affected by decay, lost or broken fillings and trauma.  The decay of the tooth, week unsupported tooth structure and weaken enamel is removed at the time the tooth is prepared for the filling to be placed by the dentist and dental team. The tooth is treated with antibacterial agents, dental bonding and enamel bonding agents and is finally restored using the adhesive like cosmetic composite filling. The Composite filling is the placed in the tooth, sculpted, shaped, contour and cured utilizing ultraviolet light curing technology to set and harden the filling prior to finishing and polishing the final restoration. The Final filling is check so that the proper biting relationship is established and is comfortable for the patient. The composite materials are utilized in a variety of cosmetic dentistry applications. They range in color and cosmetic characteristics to match the patients individual tooth and  the bioesthetic properties of each.

 Dental ceramics, ceramic veneers,  ceramic inlays & onlays and  full ceramic crowns, ceramic metalceramic bridges and dental implants or implant supported ceramic bridges or denture provide a variety of additional cosmetic solutions.  These cosmetic teatment alternatives, which generally involve increase investment by the patient, provide the cosmetic dentist and dental cosmetics new technologies with exceptional cosmetic results.  The alternative to the dental ceramics is often Cosmetic Composite fillings and primarily provide economical  treatment alternatives. 


Joseph C Ardizzone DDS

Federal Way Dental Center

                                  "quality Dental Care - Clinical Excellence"

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Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS

Federal Way Dental Center

 If you have any questions regarding the information provided in this article please call us,  we would be happy to assist you. Should you wish to make an appointment to discuss your specific health & dental concerns, we would enjoy helping you arrange an appointment to discuss your specific concerns with you.  


Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS

A Federal Way Dental Health Center 

phone 253-839-7270

30317 16th Ave South 

Federal Way,  WA  98003 

Office Phone  253-839-7270      


 Dr Joseph C Ardizzone Practices Comprehensive Dental Health Care, Cosmetic Dentistry and Comprehensive Restorative and Implant Dentistry in a Family Dental Practice Setting in Federal Way, Washington, a suberb of beautiful Seattle Washington.

Contact Us By Mail

Joseph C Ardizzone DDS PS

Federal Way Dental Center

30317 16th Ave S.

Federal Way,  WA  98003

Phone 253.839.7270



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Is Dental Amalgam An Optimal Restorative Material For Dental Restoration? Mercury Free Dental Fillings Are Available. Call 253-839-7270


  Is Dental Amalgam An Optimal Restorative Material For Dental Restoration, Given Its Moderate Health Risks According to the FDA?  Should Alternative Restorative Materials Be Considered For Restorative Dental Treatment.   Mercury Free Restorations and Cosmetic Composite Fillings and Ceramic Fillings Are Perhaps A Prudent Health Choice.. 

Although amalgam fillings may be place in variety of applications in dental offices in the united States, even today, they are generally of limited value in today’s cosmetically conscious dental patient. The dental amalgam is historical referred to as the “gray filling” and unfortunately tend to stain and discolor teeth with time due to their corrosion.   We do not feel the dental amalgam offers any significant benefit for the patient in terms of longevity, strength, or even cost.   The cosmetic value of the dental amalgam poor and not a viable option for cosmetic treatment.


Health considerations of  dental amalgam are being debated among researchers and health organizations, and are being considered much more carefully, due to the nearly 50% mercury levels in this type of restoration.  Although recent findings by the FDA were issued as of July 28, 2oo9, its final regulation on Dental Amalgam.

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued a final regulation classifying dental amalgam and its component parts – elemental mercury and a powder alloy—used in dental fillings. While elemental mercury has been associated with adverse health effects at high exposures, the levels released by dental amalgam fillings are not high enough to cause harm in patients.

The regulation classifies dental amalgam into Class II (moderate risk). By classifying a device into Class II, the FDA can impose special controls (in addition to general controls such as good manufacturing practices that apply to all medical devices regardless of risk) to provide reasonable assurance of the safety and effectiveness of the device.


For More Info Click Link




It is the Possition of the FDA, that health associated with mercury levels release by dental amalgam  is not high enough to cause harm to patients.  However, the FDA   raised the classification of Dental Amalgam  to a class 2 risk  ( II moderate risk).


 Its my  personal feeling as a father and a dentist,  that dental amalgam should not generally be continued to be utilized in routine dental applications.   The mercury / silver fillings’ high level mercury and its potential future health considerations makes this choice of restoration  a questionable alternative in almost any situation.


Dental Amalgam is of little value for use in the cosmetic enhancement of the patients smile and not recommended. Health risk due to mercury, although not fully known, seems to poss a question worth answering with more scientific research. Mercury is listed on the national list of known toxic substances and the “consumer should be ware”.  We do not recommend mercury fillings be placed and have not provide this as  an treatment option for many years.  Should you have specific questions regarding dental amalgams for treatment or any other questions reqarding information provided in this article please contact our office and our offic staff would be happy to answer any questions you may have or provide you with any additional information and would be happy to arrange a consultation to discuss you dental concerns.


Office Phone 253.839.7270




 Dental ceramics, ceramic veneers,  ceramic inlays & onlays and  full ceramic crowns, ceramic metalceramic bridges and dental implants or implant supported ceramic bridges or denture provide a variety of additional cosmetic solutions.  These cosmetic teatment alternatives, which generally involve increase investment by the patient, provide the cosmetic dentist and dental cosmetics new technologies with exceptional cosmetic results.  The alternative to the dental ceramics is often Cosmetic Composite fillings and primarily provide economical  treatment alternatives.



Joseph C  Ardizzone DDS 

Federal Way Dental Center


If you would like more information regarding this subject, or have information you have, or questions related to this article please call our office and one of our staff would be happy to assist you.  We hope you found this subject to be interesting and informative.  

Phone 253.839.7270


A Federal Way Dental Health Center

                 "Providing Beautiful smiles and Patients To Last A Lifetime"


 Dr Joseph C Ardizzone Practices Comprehensive Dental Health Care, Cosmetic Dentistry and Comprehensive Restorative and Implant Dentistry in a Family Dental Practice Setting in Federal Way, Washington, a suberb of beautiful Seattle Washington.

The Federal Way Dental Center in Federal Way Washington and Dr Joseph Ardizzone DDS PS have provided cosmetic dentistry, comprehensive rehabilitations and restorative treatment, orthopedic, and orthodontic care for more than 20 years. Our highly skilled clinical team and office staff receive great personal satisfaction in providing beautiful cosmetic results that our patients recognize to be exceptional dental treatment. The greatest reward for the dental treatment we provide is the dazzling smile of a happy patient.We invite you to experience our special way, of providing you the cosmetic dental care you deserve -- a beautiful smile and a positive dental experience.

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